Tips For Selling A House Like An Expert
Posted by Rachel Craggy // September 4, 2016 // Blog / Sell A House // Tips For Selling A House
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If You’re Goal Is To Sell Your House
Check Out These Tips For Selling a House
Learn How the Experts Sell Houses Faster and For More Money
- Update Your Kitchen and Bathroom Affordably ~ No need to break the budget ladies and gentlemen, here are some affordable tips for selling a house fast by wooing more potential buyers.
- Update the hardware
- Update the lighting
- Don’t be afraid to re-stain/paint the cabinets.
- Clean out the cabinets
- Fresh Coat of Paint ~ One of the top three things buyers look for is a fresh coat of paint. You can modify room size and shapes just by using these simple tips for selling a house fast.
- Sophisticated light colours are the best choice. This will make the rooms appear larger and brighter.
- Buyers prefer square shaped rooms to long rectangular. Warm colours create the illusion the wall is closer, cool colours make walls look further away. Use a warm colour sideboard on the far wall/a large picture with warm colours or paint it a light warmer shade then the long walls in order to give the room a more squarish feel.
- Add Lighting ~ Whether it is natural light by cleaning the windows and opening the blinds or bringing in some additional artificial lighting like table lights, rooms always feel lighter and people always feel in a better mood being in a room that is airy, light and open.
- Curb Appeal ~ Okay you’ve worked hard on the inside and it looks great, now you’re done and you can kick back and let it ride, wrong! The numbers are in and reveal 85-90% of buyers will drive by a house they have found on the internet first before ever calling their agent. Why? To check out how the house looks from the outside.
- Add some fresh potted flowers to brighten up the porch
- Be sure your house numbers are visible from the street and buy new ones if need be.
- Update your outdoor lighting and keep your lights on at night. Buyers will driving by to get a sneak preview at night before they contact their agent for an appointment.
- Buy a new mailbox if need be or paint it to match your numbers
- Don’t Neglect The Backyard ~ So you’ve de-cluttered and tidied everything from inside the house, the garage and the front of the house and you’ve thrown it in the backyard because who cares the buyer isn’t going to look there right? Wrong again! The buyer has walked into your house and is fantasising about what it would be like to live in your home, then they get to the backyard and reality hits. Its a mess, grass is over grown and the plants are dead. You’ve run out of room and have chosen to store all your garbage and ignored that backyard. Be sure to throw out the junk, cut and trim the grass. Borrow your mothers small bistro set. A small effort can really help to feed the buyer’s fantasy and get you that much closer to an offer.
For more tips on selling a house check out our blog Things To Do Before You Sell Your House.